Postcards from Holland

Hallo in this sunny Thursday.
There is also sunny in your city ? I hope so :D
I thought that next post will be about my B'day cards, but yesterday visted us my bf's Mom which came from Holland.
As you know, or not hehe, I'm pernamently resident in the Netherlads. This is my favourite country and now I'm really missing Holland. Currently I'm in Poland. I came here for about one year, maybe one year with a faw months, I'm not sure yet. I came here becouse of my work. I'm working as photomodel and actress right now, so I had to come back here even If I didn't want to.
It's funny becouse, I was in many cities in Holland, but I don't have cards from there. It's not a big problem for me, becouse I prefer to collect writen and stemped cards than clean.
Of course when I will back to Holland I will buy lots of beautiful postcards fror you guys !
Here you can see what a nice cards I received from my lovely mother-in-law.

In Heiloo lives my bf's mom. It's a nice, small village next to bigger city Alkmaar. Probably I will live in this village after my back to Holland.
"Groeten uit..." means Greeting from... :D
Heiloo, Almaar and Amsterdam aren't from Kringloop. Mother-in-low bought it to me when she was in these cities :)

She gave me these postcards and she said "I bought it in kringloop and didn't know if you like wrtitten cards or not "
Oh mom, of course I love it !
For foreigners - kringloop means secondhead. Boyfriend's mom said that there you can find many clean and written cards. It's laying in plastic boxes and costs about 0,20 cents.
I've never knew about it before. This is why I'm in love with secondhends :D
I can't wait when I will back there and make posts about this beaufitul country with amazing capital city Amsterdam.
Did you know that in Holland is a Koningsdag which means King Days. It's a national holiday in the Netherlands celebrated on 27 April ( 26 April if the 27th is a Sunday ), the date marks the birth of King Willlem-Alexander. In this day people wear orange clothes, dancing and open vrijmarket ( free market) in the center of Amsterdam. Also in other cities people sells their used goods ;)
In Holland about 87 % people can speak English becouse it's second official laguage in this country.
80 % of world tulips comes from Holland. Nine billion bulbs and millions of flowers are grown each year, primarily for export.
Same-sex marriage had been legal since 2001 yr ;D
Cycling in the Netherlands is the safest in the world. Ah I love bikes and bike paths there. I'm very missing for it !
Have you even knew that Vermeer, Rembrandt or Van Gogh, Dj Tiësto and Armin van Burren comes from Holland? Yeah, they are from the Netherlands.
70 % of world's bacon comes from the Netherlands. Oh God, I didn't know becouse I hate bacon, I like it only on one roll from Polish bakery "Kaliszczak"
Holland is the largest exporter of Cheese. Haha what's a pitty that I can't eat a cheese and their cheese is really really smelly :D
And now something from me. In my opienion Netherlands has the best dairy products and weed ever ! :D
If you'd like to swap for cards from Holland, just let me know. My bf's mom can send you a card, written and stemped from there. But you will not see this cards before, becouse I don't know what postcards she will buy :)
In the next I'm gonna show you what postcards I received from Czech Republic from Grandma :)
See ya next time :*
There is also sunny in your city ? I hope so :D
I thought that next post will be about my B'day cards, but yesterday visted us my bf's Mom which came from Holland.
As you know, or not hehe, I'm pernamently resident in the Netherlads. This is my favourite country and now I'm really missing Holland. Currently I'm in Poland. I came here for about one year, maybe one year with a faw months, I'm not sure yet. I came here becouse of my work. I'm working as photomodel and actress right now, so I had to come back here even If I didn't want to.
It's funny becouse, I was in many cities in Holland, but I don't have cards from there. It's not a big problem for me, becouse I prefer to collect writen and stemped cards than clean.
Of course when I will back to Holland I will buy lots of beautiful postcards fror you guys !
Here you can see what a nice cards I received from my lovely mother-in-law.
"Noflike Krystdagen en in Lokkich Nijjier" in Frisian means Marry Christmas and Hapy New year :)
"Prettige Kerstdagen en Gelukkig Nieuwjaar" means Marry Christmas and Happy New Year :D
In Heiloo lives my bf's mom. It's a nice, small village next to bigger city Alkmaar. Probably I will live in this village after my back to Holland.
"Groeten uit..." means Greeting from... :D
Heiloo, Almaar and Amsterdam aren't from Kringloop. Mother-in-low bought it to me when she was in these cities :)
She gave me these postcards and she said "I bought it in kringloop and didn't know if you like wrtitten cards or not "
Oh mom, of course I love it !
For foreigners - kringloop means secondhead. Boyfriend's mom said that there you can find many clean and written cards. It's laying in plastic boxes and costs about 0,20 cents.
I've never knew about it before. This is why I'm in love with secondhends :D
I can't wait when I will back there and make posts about this beaufitul country with amazing capital city Amsterdam.
Did you know that in Holland is a Koningsdag which means King Days. It's a national holiday in the Netherlands celebrated on 27 April ( 26 April if the 27th is a Sunday ), the date marks the birth of King Willlem-Alexander. In this day people wear orange clothes, dancing and open vrijmarket ( free market) in the center of Amsterdam. Also in other cities people sells their used goods ;)
In Holland about 87 % people can speak English becouse it's second official laguage in this country.
80 % of world tulips comes from Holland. Nine billion bulbs and millions of flowers are grown each year, primarily for export.
Same-sex marriage had been legal since 2001 yr ;D
Cycling in the Netherlands is the safest in the world. Ah I love bikes and bike paths there. I'm very missing for it !
Have you even knew that Vermeer, Rembrandt or Van Gogh, Dj Tiësto and Armin van Burren comes from Holland? Yeah, they are from the Netherlands.
70 % of world's bacon comes from the Netherlands. Oh God, I didn't know becouse I hate bacon, I like it only on one roll from Polish bakery "Kaliszczak"
Holland is the largest exporter of Cheese. Haha what's a pitty that I can't eat a cheese and their cheese is really really smelly :D
And now something from me. In my opienion Netherlands has the best dairy products and weed ever ! :D
If you'd like to swap for cards from Holland, just let me know. My bf's mom can send you a card, written and stemped from there. But you will not see this cards before, becouse I don't know what postcards she will buy :)
In the next I'm gonna show you what postcards I received from Czech Republic from Grandma :)
See ya next time :*
Piękne masz te pocztówki z Holandii. Wszystkie z pojedynczymi widokami, a szczególnie te z nazwami miejsc, które prezentują, przypadły mi do gustu :) Jako, że mieszkam obecnie zaledwie rzut kamieniem od Holandii to mam stamtąd nieco pocztówek, które kupiłam sama i nieco otrzymanych za pośrednictwem różnych stron. Nie wiem, ile może być łącznie, ale trochę ich jest :)
OdpowiedzUsuńU mnie bardzo dużo słońca i +22 stopnie!
Pozdrawiam :)
Ja do pocztówek z Holandii mam taki sentyment, dlatego zawsze się cieszę, kiedy dostaję jakąś nową, chociaż nie mam ich za wiele z tego kraju :D
UsuńU mnie dziś też ciepło, krótki rękawek, nareszcie bez kurtki ! :D
Ładne karteczki :)
OdpowiedzUsuńDziękuję :)