My small collection from USA
Ellis Island
Laguna Beach
New Jearsey
New York
San Francisco California

Hallo at the beginning of the weekend.
I hope this weeknd will be very cool for you :D
For me it's very cool, becouse yesterday I got some new for me, but generally old postcards from my boyfriends grandma :D Of course I will show your all of these cards in separate post :D
In the previous weeknd I received a very nice postcard from state California in United States of America. This is one of my favourite postcards ever, thank you Kimberly!
Becouse of this card in this post I'd like to show your my small collection of USA postards. I hope you will like it :)
Also I'd like to share with you that I'm gonna open a new project "English postcards", but I think I will tell you more about it in the next post, becouse I'm still preparing myself for it :P
Enjoy this post and awesome song of awesome American singer Max :D
Laguna Beach is a seaside resort city located in southern Orange County, California, in the United States. It is known for a mild year-round climate, scenic coves, environmental preservation, and artist community. The population in the 2010 census was 22,723.
Who doesn't want to visit sunny California? Of course I'm gonna visit this beautiful state as soon as possible. Laguna Beach inspirated me to see these beautiful beaches in this small city :D
This postard I received from and it's one of my fav cards from USA :D
Did you know about San Fransco, the city and and the county of California?
...the Chinese fortune cookie was invented by a Japanese resident of San Francisco,
...San Francisco was part of Mexico until the Mexican-American War in 1848,
...when Al Capone ( a gangster) was held at Alcatraz( San Francisco Island), he gave regular Sunday concerts with the inmate band, the Rock Islanders. He played the banjo
...the first bubonic plague epidemic in the continental US broke out in SF’s Chinatown in 1900.
...the bear on California’s state flag is modeled after a California grizzly named Monarch, who was held at Golden Gate Park.

( Pics from google pictires )
Long considered part of New York, a 1998 United States Supreme Court decision found that most of the island is in New Jersey.
Half of Ellis Island hospital is abandoned. The hospital complex on the south side of Ellis Island was once one of the most advanced in the world. So advanced that some of the city’s wealthiest families wanted to be treated there but were rejected since the hospital was a public health initiative, not for private clients.

This postcard I received from a nice girl Madelyn from, thank you girl ! :D
On this postcard you can see USS Lexington nicknamed "The Blue Ghost", is an Essex-class aircraft carrier built during World War II for the United States Navy. Originally intended to be named Cabot, word arrived during construction that the USS Lexington (CV-2) had been lost in the Battle of the Coral Sea. She was renamed while under construction to commemorate the earlier ship. She was the fifth US Navy ship to bear the name in honor of the Revolutionary War Battle of Lexington.
I received this card from Corpus Chirti city in Texas, from friend John which I met on interpals. Thank you so much John :D
And finally I'd like to show you how cool postcards I received from very nice man Tyler. What's a pitty that I lost link for his blog. I deleted all my emails, also thsese with Tyler, and I even can't ask him if he received mine postcard :C
Thank you Tyler for all your cards, and If you will read this post, just let me know ! :D
Świetne i bardzo różnorodne znaczki posiadasz! Podobają mi się szczególnie te z motylkiem i fajerwerkami. Co do pocztówek, to spory zbiór już posiadasz, najbardziej podoba mi się ta z San Francisco z rysunkiem. W sumie dziwne, bo zazwyczaj na tego typu kartki uwagi nie zwracam ;)
Wydaje mi się, że te z motylkiem i fajerwerkami są takie typowe dla USA. Może się mylę, ale na dwóch kartkach (jednej kopercie mam te znaczki ) :D
UsuńTak ta z San Francisco jest świetna, ale i tak chyba moją ulubioną jest ta z Laguna Beach :D
ooo, mój ukochany kraj. <3 moim marzeniem było odwiedzić Nowy Jork i udało się, w zeszłym roku poleciałam na wymianę. :) swego czasu chciałam zebrać kartki ze wszystkich stanów USA, ale w pewnym momencie przerwałam wymiany. tak więc mam pocztówki dopiero z kilkunastu stanów.
OdpowiedzUsuńz pokazanych przez Ciebie kartek bardzo podobają mi się bizony! no i oczywiście widokówka ze Statuą Wolności. :D poza tym pocztówka z Indiany - mimo że nie przedstawia nic konkretnego, to ta czcionka jest super + od razu widać, z jakiego stanu! :D
Ale Ci zazdroszczę :D Jeśli masz wpis(y) na blogu ze Stanów, to chętnie go/je przeczytam :D
UsuńMi również marzy się tam polecieć <3
Ja teraz zaczynam nowy projekt w którym między innymi będę zbierać pocztówki z Amerykańskich stanów, ale jak napisane w poście więcej zdradzę w kolejnym wpisie :D
Nice blog.
OdpowiedzUsuńDo you like to follow my blog too? :)