First with food

First with food

Hi guys :D Some days ago I received 3 nice postacrds from Susanne from Germany :D I've become a fan of postcards with food. I started to collect them and here you can see my first two cards with food.  Thank you Susa for lovely...
Vintage postcards #1

Vintage postcards #1

Hi :D How are you guys? I hope everything is ok :D Do you like vintage/old cards ? I very like ! They have their own history and it's very interesting to know what people did or what they're was talk about in "old times". Also the...
Konichiwa NIPPON

Konichiwa NIPPON

Konichiwa everyone :D "Konichiwa" means "good morning" in Japanese :D I specially used Japanese good morning becouse in this post I'd like to show you a faw of my postcards from Japan.  I know that lots of people are interesting...
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